
松手 Let go》 取材自Catechetical Help 顾美芬译 2012.11.04

He had grabbed it tightly, and in his childish ignorance , was unwilling to let it go.

盲眼滑雪者》 取材自Catechetical Help 顾美芬译 2012.09.30


比萨斜塔 Tower of Pisa》 取材自Catechetical Help 顾美芬译 2012.08.19

According to a story in the Chicago Tribune, around 1990, the leaning Tower of Pisa began to lean too far.

朋友或仇敌? Friend or Foe?》 取材自Catechetical Help 顾美芬译 2012.07.15


学习信靠 Learn to Trust》 取材自Catechetical Help 顾美芬译 2012.06.17

Though the water, even in the shallowest part, would have been over his head, his father had a secure grip even in the deepest parts.

辫子 Good or Bad Mix?》 取材自Catechetical Help 顾美芬译 2012.05.13

Here is the mystery: What looks like two strands requires a third. The third strand, though not immediately evident, keeps the strands tightly woven.

酒变水 Wine To Water》 取材自Catechetical Help 顾美芬译 2012.04.29

酸葡萄Sour Grapes》 取材自Catechetical Help 顾美芬译 2012.03.25

小小错误Minor Errors》 取材自Catechetical Help 顾美芬译 2012.02.26

In time, KAL Flight 007 violated Soviet air space, and was shot out of the sky by a Soviet fighter jet. All aboard lost their lives, because of a “minor error.”

新年新故事(下)A New Story For A New Year》 Dr. J. A. Oschwald 欧使华教授 顾美芬译 2012.01.08
