Years ago a ship on the Atlantic was in distress because its supply of fresh water had run out. The crew faced a horrible death from thirst,though water was all around! When hope was almost gone, they sighted a ship approaching in the distance. At once they hoisted distress signals . But the only answer was “Dip it up!” “Dip it up?” What good would it be to dip up buckets of salt water? The crew signaled again, but got the same answer. Finally in despair, they lowered a bucket. Imagine their amazement and joy when it turned out to be fresh water. They didn’t know it, but they were at the mouth of the mighty Amazon,whose fresh water flows far out to sea. God’s fresh water are always available. Why do we neglect it? Why despair in life? “Dip it up!” | .. | 字彚 fresh water淡水 hoist发信号,升起(旗等) distress signals遇险信号 crew船员 几年前有一艘船在大西洋上面临了危机,因为储存的淡水用尽了。虽然船的四周都是水,船员却面对干渴而死的恐怖。 在几近绝望的时候,他们看见远远有一艘船正向他们靠近,他们立刻发出遇险信号,然而得到的答案只有一句「汲水上来!」 「汲水上来?」汲几桶海水上来有什么用呢?船员再次发岀信号,却得到同样的回答。最后,在绝望当中,他们把一个桶子放下去。 当桶子提上来的竟是淡水时,想想看他们有多惊讶多喜悦,他们全然不知道自己身处于巨大的亚马逊河出口,淡水正流入远远的海中。 上帝的淡水唾手可得,我们为何忽视,为何在生命中绝望呢?「汲水上来!」 思考与应用 1.你曾经有绝处逢生的经验吗?什么是目前你所需要的淡水? 2. 「汲水上来!」需要行动,你的桶子准备好了吗? |