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被拍賣的女孩 A Girl to Be Sold

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The story is told from ancient Rome of a young girl who was placed on the public auction block. She was to be sold to the highest bidder. The girl was forced to turn around, front and back, that the audience might see and make an estimate. The bids came in rapid succession, for she was young and strong. Finally one man outbid all the others; he bought the girl. He immediately put down the money and took possession of his property. Then he turned to the slave girl and said, “You are free. I have bought you free. You may go your way.”

She looked at him with her eyes wide open, with fear and apprehension. She did not understand, “Free,” he said. “You may go; you are free. I have given you your freedom.” The sincerity of his tone and the love in his eyes told her it was true. She fell at his feet, and, seized by gratitude, said, “Please, I don’t want to be free. I want to serve you. Let me serve you not as a slave but as a friend.”


auction block拍賣台。




1. 那女孩剛剛離開了一個主人,為什麼會願意投身到另一個主人手下?

2. 我有主人嗎?或者我以為自己是自由之身?

about 【剪下一方暖和】專欄譯者:顧美芬