作者 见文 2001.06.03
很多幼稚园职场的教学的确还是很升学认知取向(灌输一堆所谓的知识 ),这些跟我们所学的理念是有很大的差距 坦白说 我正面临这些现象的压力。看到您在网路上的这篇文章,我好开心。觉得还是有一些人虽不在幼教领域,但是仍然有很棒的教育概念。 让我觉得很被鼓励 (觉得应该有更多这样的讯息传达给社会大众),觉得虽然未来一年为实习老师,但是我仍然可以有所坚持。 不沦落为现在一些已经是一堆才艺,认知取向非常争竞的教育,让我这个未来幼稚园老师刚强壮胆 。
佳琪 email: e8608229@kimo.com.tw
Hi, Virginia:
I am David Yuan and am recently sent by my company to the U.S. on a short-term assignment. I jsut read your atricle about your ideal kindergarden. Following is part of an e-mail I wrote to a friend. Probably it could answer your question. ^_^
"I have come to realize that freedom, equality, and independence are the founding spirits of the "New Continent (the U.S.)". These are not the kinds of spirits you find in the "Old Continents (Europe, Asia)". It is human nature to go after freedom, equality, and independence. And I believe these spirits matter very much. I will eventually send my kids to the U.S. to be exposed to these spirits because I have always loved freedom, equality, and independence.
In my humble opinion, the American culture is a combination of the three spirits mentioned above and Christianity and the results have been powerful. It has the moral courage to admit its wrongs and correct them. It treasures such ethics like courage, beauty, honesty, integrity and loyalty. It believes in the invisible power of God (In God We Trust). It believes in the invisible hand as preached by Adam Smith.
None of these "invisibles" are valued in Taiwan, not to mentioned in China. We Chinese are realistic and believe in what we see with our eyes. We do not value imagination, we do not see with our hearts. I was like this before but am not anymore. I hope you could understand my points. And I pray that you would eventually come to believe in Jesus."
Yuan, David email:DYuan@wafertech.com
小小平安: 看完你的两篇「幼稚园」文章,觉得很好。自己带大的孩子去上学,「分离忧虑症」 就会严重发作,也许因为我只有一个孩子,所以失落感更大。多么希望我有一台闭路电 视,能看见孩子的一举一动。听着孩子唱学校的歌,说学校的事,却一点也高兴不起来 ,觉得好像失去儿子,儿子好像也不需要我,我无法再和他享受每分每秒所发生的每件 事。上学的第一个星期,儿子适应的很好,但我过的很痛苦,但如你所说,再一次深入 体会「交托」的功课。
有一次,一位教会姊妹带他的孩子回嘉义娘家,顺便带我儿子去,其实我是很不舍, 但儿子玩的很高兴,也不会找妈妈,在那里过了一夜,我的心里受到「一点点」伤害, 但是也很感谢神!因为平时他非常非常的黏我。那一天晚上下班之后,我心想我可以去 做平常无法去做的很多事,因为儿子不在,所以我就挑了一家很有情调的餐厅,享受丰 盛的佳肴,然后去逛街……,但我七点多就回家了,回家整理家务,擦地板……。你知 道吗?突然觉得作家事比去逛街、吃饭快乐多了!这样的女人,这样的心态,是该喜该 悲?我在心里一直笑着问自己!
kelly email:kelly_ching90@hotmail.com
about 【家庭之歌】专栏主要写手:蔡佩芬