作者 陈小小 2001.02.25
从升学主义的重重考试竞争上来的我,对成绩是锱铢必较。即使大学毕业后, 蒙上帝呼召,进神学院读书,还是对成绩非常注重。
我修了一门课「希腊文」。老师每天都考试,并且出作业给我们回家练习。很 多同学考不好,作业写不完,跟不上进度。但老师也不生气,但是每回上课或严 肃、或温柔地要大家快跟上。
终于同学们都死撑活撑挨到了期末考。那天我们用尽了全副的脑细胞装下奥 涩难懂的希腊文,好不容易将所背的填满了试卷。因为我们这门科目只有五、六 个人修,老师用中间休息时间,马上就改完全班的试卷,对我们发布成绩。他说, 我们全部都得「A」。
我真是不敢置信。因为我是全班每次单字考试都拿满分的人,其余同学还有 不及格的。期中考也是成绩很高,其他同学更是不及格多。另外,作业我也是准 时交,几乎没有错误。其他同学还有人拖到期末考前才一次交齐好几次的作业。 为何大家的分数都是「A」?我若是「A」,那王三应该是「A-」,李四应该是「B+」, 赵五则是「B」。为何大家都是「A」呢?真不公平。
没想到老师说,他看出我们大家都尽了全力。连最忙、年纪最老的牧师同学 都把作业补齐,而且期末考试也看出他有下过苦功。所以全班都是「A」。他继续 说,在他眼里我们希腊文即使考满分,但是跟他的程度比起来都是「F」(不及格)。 (这外国老师平日看圣经,都是直接用希腊文、希伯来文语言阅读。)然而他认 为每位同学都有尽全力读,故在他心目中每个人都是「A」。他接着说,上帝看待 我们罪人亦是如此。我们在上帝眼中都是「F」(不及格),但是因为有耶稣的恩典 临及我们,于是大家都变成「A」。
或许有人对这种评分方式很不以为然。但是老师这种机会教育,对嗜成绩如 命的我,却是当头棒喝!上帝透过这个老师完全释放被成绩捆绑多年的我。
注:评分高低顺序是 A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- F
Rebecca Liu wrote:
Dear Virginia: I deeply appreciate your sharing concerning God's calling and what you have experienced in living with your parents-in-law. Though my husband and I live in the USA, I often feel the pressure and the differences between me and my parents-in-law through the phone conversations. I am pregnant now, but sometimes worried what if the first baby is not a boy...:) By reading your article, I realized that my parents-in-law are probably from the similar background as your parents-in-law whereas I, received education through graduate school, with four grandparents from Mainland China (ie., my family is not traditional Taiwanese family. I do not understand taiwanese well though I grew up in Kaohsiung), sometimes fell into the "temptation" of judging my parents-in-law and often wonder how come they do not appreciate my education, trainings received in multiple areas such as painting, playing the music, singing, logical thinking, etc. as other people do. Your article makes me to review/exam myself as well as my pride before the Lord. I was also moved by your serious attitude toward God. Thanks again and may the Lord bless you and your family richly. PS: sorry that there is no Chinese characters installed in my office computer, therefore, I cannot type Chinese letter as my response. I am a Chinese and speak/use Chinese. :B Rebecca
about 【家庭之歌】专栏主要写手:蔡佩芬