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學習信靠 Learn to Trust

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The three-year-old felt secure in his father’s arms as Dad stood in the middle of the pool. But Dad, for fun, began walking slowly toward the deep end, gently chanting, “Deeper and deeper and deeper,”as the water rose higher and higher on the child. The boy’s face showed more and more panic , and he held all the more tightly to his father, who, of course, easily touched the bottom of the pool.

In truth, the child had no reason to be frightened or anxious. Though the water, even in the shallowest part, would have been over his head, his father had a secure grip even in the deepest parts. The child was safe in the strong arms of his father; he learned to trust his dad at all times and in all circumstances.






1. 請思考自己什麼時候容易焦慮,什麼是我的游泳池呢?

2. 學會游泳是否就不需要學習信靠?我有哪一級的游泳證書保證不會滅頂呢?

about 【剪下一方暖和】專欄譯者:顧美芬