新年新故事(下)A New Story For A New Year

【作者:Dr. J. A. Oschwald 歐使華教授 顧美芬譯剪下一方暖和--喻道小故事 2012.01.08

When Nian heard and saw all that the villagers were doing, he immediately turned away from the village and headed out into the quiet darkness of the countryside. The villagers, thinking that they had frightened the monster and won their safety, rejoiced with exceeding great Joy. Actually, however, the truth was not so joyful. Could you have seen the monster's face as he turned, you would have discovered a most cruelly devilish grin. “Fireworks! Red banners! Bonfires! Ha!” the monster said, chuckling to himself. “How they must fear me! I have them right where I want them; they're mine! I can have them whenever I want. Why not save them for later, when I'm exhausted from the night's work and need an easy meal?”

As he turned to head on his way to the next village, however, he noticed, standing right in front of him, a small boy. This little child stood all alone. He was looking straight at Nian, and he didn't seem one bit afraid.

“Little fellow!” growled Nian., “you had better run as fast as those little legs will carry you, or 1 will eat you up!” “You dare not eat me, Nian,” said the boy, still looking straight into the monster's eyes and still not the least afraid, “I know who you are, and I know your power. I am older than you and stronger. Even though you swallow me, you cannot hold me. I will be the end of you and your reign of fear.”

The boy's boldness infuriated the monster; he shook with anger. His rage deafened him to the child's warnings. With one ferocious gulp, he swallowed the child whole. And he smiled. Only then did he realize the enormity of his mistake. His belly could not hold this strange child. He felt himself weaken as his pain grew stronger and stronger. He could no longer endure it. “My end has certainly come!” he thought. Pain pierced him through, as if a lightening bolt had passed clean through that monstrous belly of his.

The next thing he knew, the child was standing in front of him again. The mighty beast's head quivered as the boy gently stroked him. “Dear Nian,” he said in his ever-gentle voice, “how it hurts to make new and to be made new! Now that you know you are mine, will you serve me? There is something I want you to do.”
Is there any greater proof of forgiveness than a commission? A new sort of smile appeared on Nian's face as this wondrous child mounted the monster's back. Nian felt as if he really had been made new, and—little wonder—for, when he passed a pool of water and saw his reflection, he saw that he had been. What had before been hideous and horrifying was now noble and awe-inspiring. Nor was Nian the only one to notice the change. As he passed village after village with the child still riding on his back, he was greeted with cheers and rejoicing.

Year after year, the banners still wave, and fireworks burst with joy. In some places, bonfires still warm the hands and hearts of those who keep vigil, awaiting his passing. For the “Passing of Nian” now brings back thoughts of the child who mastered time and is bringing all things into the glory of his new day, his eternal spring.

Here my story ends. I am just a storyteller. If there is some deeper meaning to what you have heard, some profound truth to the tale of the monster and the child, I have no doubt that there are those among you, wiser than I, who can help you discover it. My work is finished, except to say “Congratulations! Happy New Year! Life abundant and life eternal is yours!”

1. growl 咆嘯
2. infuriate 激怒
3. ferocious 凶惡的
4. quiver 顫抖










1. 萬象更新,也包括我們的心被更新嗎?
2. 把這個故事講給別人聽。

about 【剪下一方暖和】專欄譯者:顧美芬
